Sunday 18 October 2009

Prototype I

So yeah, I was set a university project about designing an object which exploited the properties of a particular material. As chocolate is well known for its heat resistance I decided to make a chocolate teapot. This blog follows my journey from the prototype stages through to the finished item...

For the first test I decided to make a very small chocolate water receptacle to get an idea of chocolate's heat resistance when formed into a reasonable lump. The mould is made from an old mouthwash bottle, to give you an idea of the size, and it used around 200g of chocolate.

The first prototype setting in the fridge.

Close up of the fine detail left by the inner mould.
Out of the mould, and post boiling water. The water was left in there for a few minutes and had very little effect.

The inside, post water. Note some of the detail has lost its clarity, but the overall form is totally unaffected.
Now let's make a bigger one!

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